13 December 2006

Gosford unanimously supports Newcastle

I have just heard that Gosford City Council tonight unanimously passed this motion.

In recognition of the urgent need to protect local and global environments from increasing greenhouse gas emissions and in solidarity with Newcastle City Council, Gosford City Council make the following submissions to government:

1. Recommends that the NSW Government establish an immediate cap on coal exports from NSW not in excess of existing levels.

2. Recommends that the NSW Government initiates an Independent Inquiry into the environmental, social and economic sustainability of the current coal industry and proposed expansion of the Hunter Valley coal industry.

3. Recommends that pending such an enquiry the NSW Government places an immediate moratorium on new coal mines at Anvil Hill and elsewhere in the Hunter Valley and the Western Coal fields Mudgee area (Wilpinjong and Moolarben coal mines).

4. Calls on the NSW and Federal Governments to establish a mandatory renewable energy target of 50% by 2020.

5. Calls on the NSW Government to establish a levy on the coal industry to fund the transition to sustainability in the Hunter beyond coal which will also ensure on-going employment for Hunter Valley residents.

6. The Mayor write to the NSW Premier, the NSW Minister for Planning and the Prime Minister calling for all of the above points.

7. Council’s position be advertised in the weekly column on at least 3 occasions over the next 4 months.

8. The Mayor write to Newcastle Council congratulating them for their strong stance and informing them that we stand in solidarity with them on this issue of national importance.
Thank you Gosford! And thank you Cr Terri Latella, who moved the motion.

Newcastle City Council's motion is here