17 January 2007

82% want more action than Kyoto

News Limited is reporting on a survey of attitudes to climate change this morning that has found 82% of respondents said Australian policy should go further than the Kyoto treaty to tackle climate change.

The survey also found that:

--> Australians are more worried about climate change than terrorism or any other global issue
--> Three-quarters of respondents said they had given close personal attention to climate change
--> More than half said they believed Australians were poorly informed about
--> More than 82 per cent said they did not believe companies would make the right decisions when it came to protecting the environment
There were 3032 respondents to the survey, which was taken last month by Coredata in partnership with NEWS.com.au. The full News article can be found here.

Meanwhile, back in Newcastle, culture jammers have been busy...