19 January 2007

Tick tick tick

Thursday 18 January 2007
Doomsday Clock: Reason to repudiate Howard's nuclear policy

Australians should use this federal election year to repudiate the Howard government's unethical nuclear ambitions which are fuelling the escalating threat to civilisation, the Australian Greens said today.

Greens climate change and energy spokesperson Senator Christine Milne said the resetting of the Doomsday Clock overnight sounded a warning of the threats that nuclear expansion poses to all life on Earth.

"The Doomsday Clock has served as a warning to the world about the dangers of nuclear weapons and nuclear war for 60 years. It was moved forward two minutes overnight, and now stands at five minutes to midnight," Senator Milne said.

"The scientists who keep the clock have assessed that the world stands at the brink of a second nuclear age because of growing nuclear ambitions of Iran and North Korea, unsecured nuclear weapons, escalating terrorism and expanded civilian nuclear power under the guise of combating climate change.

"Prime Minister John Howard's nuclear ambitions for Australia, including expanding uranium mining for export and supporting domestic nuclear power, are contributing to this escalating global threat.

"Advocating more nuclear power to combat climate change is unethical and the government's nuclear policy stands in stark contrast to Prime Minister Howard's rhetoric on values.

"We do not need nuclear power to reduce greenhouse gas emissions because we have safe, renewable, clean alternatives but the government refuses to embrace them.

"Australians have the opportunity this year to repudiate the government's unethical nuclear policy by voting the coalition out of office and supporting the Greens who stand for a nuclear-free Australia."