23 February 2007

Corrupting the democratic process

Last night, at the New Institute forum in City Hall, I challenged the other candidates for the seat of Newcastle to declare their campaign donations BEFORE the election of 24 March.

No candidates took up the challenge. I said in part:

This is our town. And we need to reclaim our future.

We need to stop the backroom deals between developers and the arrogant old parties and old politicians.

We need to stop political donations from corporations.

Nobody believes that donations from developers are about charity. They are not really donations, they are purchases. Developers are buying influence, they are buying access, and they are buying government policy.

The Greens will not accept corporate donations. They undermine our democracy and the rights of all citizens to an open and transparent government.

The Greens are proudly upfront about the donations we receive. Anyone can see who is donating to our campaign, on the website, before the election.

I call on all Newcastle candidates to be upfront about who is donating to their campaigns.

Tell the voters before the election with a real statement.

It’s time for a change in Newcastle, a change for a better future.
Donations to the Greens campaign are listed on our website.

What are the other candidates hiding?