08 February 2007

Media Watch

The Newcastle Herald has today continued to allow Lake Macquaire developer Keith Johnson to repeat unsubstantiated allegations that The Greens have accepted donations from him.

The Newcastle Herald story (by Newcastle Herald journalist Damon Cronshaw) yesterday quoted Mr Johnson as stating that he had "occasionally" donated money to The Greens. Despite the fact that The Greens are vigorously campaigning against donations from developers, Mr Johnson's defamatory statement was reported without any challenge by the journalist, or any response from The Greens.

In response to this story, I spoke to Damon Cronshaw and issued a public statement yesterday denying that The Greens had ever received a campaign donation from Mr Johnson. The Herald reported my statement today, but allowed Mr Johnson to respond to my denial with a further unsubstantiated, unchallenged and defamatory statement from him again insinuating that he has made such donations. As with the first story, Mr Johnson's statement was reported without any challenge, and with no evidence

The Greens call on the Herald to ask Mr Johnson to produce evidence to substantiate his defamatory allegation. If he is unable to provide such evidence, he should publicly apologise for his statement, and desist from further such claims.

I have contacted the Newcastle Herald to inform them that Newcastle Greens consider Mr Johnson's statements false and defamatory. As far as I have been able to ascertain, The Greens have no record of having received any donation from any company associated with Mr Johnson (The Greens current policy is not to accept donations from any corporation), or from Mr Johnson as an individual.

The Greens will continue to campaign for a ban on developer donations, and for full disclosure of donations.

Electoral records show that the Johnson Property Group donated $74,250 to Sydney Labor in 2005/05 and $39,500 to the Liberals in 2005/06.