27 February 2007

Greens challenge Minister Macdonald to review Barrington Tops ruby mine

Greens MP Lee Rhiannon today congratulated the Gloucester Shire Councillors who voted to reject the application to expand ruby mining in the Barrington Tops, and challenged Mineral Resources Minister Ian Macdonald to review his position on the controversial project.

"I congratulate the Councillors and the local community groups who have fought so hard to protect their water supply from the expansion of ruby mining in Barrington Tops," said Ms Rhiannon.

"This is great news for the community but there is still the hurdle of winning over the NSW Government.

"The water supply of the Gloucester region and nearby coastal areas are still threatened by the proposed expansion of ruby mining.

"Minerals Minister Ian Macdonald has shown strong support for this mine. Last year he called the campaign to stop the ruby mine 'ludicrous'.

"The challenge for residents of Gloucester, Stroud and Barrington Tops is to win over the Government.

"The Minister should listen to the views of the community and reconsider his support for the Packer family owned mining venture.

"In Sydney the Labor Government is fighting the state election on the water issue.

"The Greens are urging our supporters to lobby the Government on this issue.

"Three weeks out from a state election is a good time to pick up the phone or write a letter," said Ms Rhiannon.