18 February 2007

Time superannuation hit 15% for all workers

Greens MP and industrial relations spokesperson Lee Rhiannon announced today the Greens plan to campaign during the coming state election to boost minimum superannuation contributions to 15 per cent.

"Working people have the right to know that they will be financially secure when they retire and under current contribution rates retirees will do it tough," Ms Rhiannon said.

"Now that most MPs superannuation contributions are at 15 per cent there is no excuse for treating other working Australians as second rate.

"The NSW government would be wise to make an election policy announcement that they will contribute 15 per cent to the super funds for all state workers.

"NSW fire fighters, rail workers, teachers, police, nurses and all state workers deserve 15 per cent superannuation contributions.

"If Labor and Liberals fail to give this commitment coming into the state election the voters will see this as another hypocritical act.

"Why should MPs enjoy a superannuation level that will provide realistic retirement payments, but deny the same benefits to other Australian workers.

"In this era of worsening job security it is time superannuation payments were given a major overhaul.

"If as a society we are sincerely concerned about our ageing population then we have a responsibility to ensure retirement savings will provide a decent standard of living," Ms Rhiannon said.