22 February 2007

Newcastle election countdown

30 days to go

I have been out and about, door to door, talking to lots of people in Newcastle. And the biggest issue mentioned by residents is climate change. Novacastrians want the candidates for Newcastle to outline what they will do about climate change.

Real actions, not wishy-washy words.

If elected, I will put legislation before Parliament:

-> to support wind and solar manufacturing in the Hunter and a levy on Hunter coal exports to create Hunter jobs

-> to reduce NSW greenhouse emissions and shift the government to clean energy

-> to set a renewable energy target of 50% by 2020
I challenge the other candidates to match this.

Another question often asked is:
"where is the Minister for the Hunter?"

Perhaps he's been told to stay away. What do you think?

Today, The Telegraph reports that the Liberals believe that Mr Costa, Mr Sartor and Mr Tripodi are so on the nose with voters they have been told to keep a low profile.

I guess we won't have a Minister for the Hunter until after the election.