20 March 2007

Equinox Multifaith Service at Nobby's

For anyone interested in a bit of relevant spiritual sustenance at the dawn of election day this coming Saturday, the local Multifaith Association is holding its annual Equinox service, dedicated this year to the very germane theme "Respecting the Environment".

Gregg Heathcote, Buddhist chaplain at the Uni says: "All are very welcome to join us at 6.45 at Nobbys carpark (and believe me it's worth the early start because once you're there dawn over the ocean makes for an extra special atmosphere).

"The gathering will share inspirational multifaith material such as the Prayer of Gratitude," says Gregg.

A Prayer of Gratitude
Reader: We rejoice in all life.

We live in all things
All things live in us
We rejoice in all life.

We live by the sun
We move with the stars
We rejoice in all life.

We eat from the earth
We drink from the rain
We breathe from the air
We rejoice in all life.

We share with the creatures
We have strength through their gifts
We rejoice in all life.

We depend on the forests
We have knowledge through their secrets
We rejoice in all life.